Process cyclone replacement

  • Customer : BENEO ORAFTI

Date of completion :

2021 and 2022

BENEO ORAFTI called on us to replace its process cyclones. Our intervention began with on-site studies of the existing installations, as well as a 3D scan of the piping and cyclones to be replaced.

We then defined a new line layout and design, taking into account pipe quality, diameter and thickness, in order to minimize pressure drops, reduce abrasion and ensure fluid flow without the constraints associated with small-radius bends and successions of bends, in order to avoid the frequent blockages encountered by production. Seals specially adapted to the characteristics of the product and the abrasion experienced at the cyclone outlet were also sought.

We then produced detailed 2D and 3D drawings of the new piping, integrating the new cyclones in accordance with the customer’s requirements. Detailed drawings of the supports were also produced.

Finally, we consulted on the various elements required, and regularly monitored the progress of the work. The drawings were also updated to create an AS BUILT file, reflecting the final state of the project.

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